Tuesday, February 10, 2004

It Isn't Easy Feeling Green

Well...I didn't get to go to another Canes practice today, because lucky me, I came down with Norovirus. And this is some crap I would definitely not wish upon anyone, and hope the Canes I interacted with for autographs yesterday don't come down with it. I have no idea how contagious Norovirus is before you truly come down with the symptoms...but, people who get Noro have to stay home for three-four days after getting over the symptoms because they are highly contagious. Anyway, just because I laid around all day in bed doesn't mean I did not learn anything...

Norovirus sucks.
Steve Winwood has lame music videos.
Peter Gabriel + Kate Bush = HORRIBLE song ("Don't Give Up"...man, that song drags)
Norovirus sucks.
The bonus round on Family Feud (the version with Richard Karn, of Home Improvement fame) *can* be winnable.
Bob Barker needs to retire.
Personal product ads, especially those promoting drugs for those having trouble with libido (Hey, if they can say it on daytime/non-HBO/Showtime TV, I can say it here) have got to be chucked. Whatever happened to having just a little privacy? While I'm at it...a note to Pfizer, NOBODY in public is going to notice or care if someone got a Viagra prescription!!
Norovirus sucks.
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys is actually not a bad show and may be a new favorite of mine.
You know the reality television craze has gone too far when the Science-FICTION Channel is launching a new reality show. Not to mention how the ads for that (Mad, Mad House) didn't help my weak stomach...I so did not need to see the animal guts raining down upon a man.
Even television characters fall ill. (Caught the episode of Leave It To Beaver when the Beav came down with chicken pox.)
Make fun of its pink hue all you want...but Pepto Bismol ROCKS.
Norovirus (Along with my Tar Heels tonight) sucks.

Practice report may or may not come tomorrow...depends upon how I feel.