Friday, April 23, 2004

Some Horrible News

(I know I've used the same title at the three Canes boards I attend too, but I don't feel like coming up with another title...)

My grandmother, on my father's side and the only grandparent of mine still living, has broken her neck. She was being airlifted to the UNC hospital earlier...

My grandmother was trying to bring groceries into her house, and had one of her falls (she's been falling a lot lately because of very weak leg bones), causing her to bust her head on the brick stairwell leading into the house, and breaking her neck.

My parents have gone to visit my grandmother and will update me.

Other than this, I really don't know what to say...incredible all the feelings running through me...the most prominent one of course being sorrow.

UPDATE as of April 24th: I eventually found out that my grandmother broke a tiny bone in her neck and has a bruise the size of an egg along with a good sized cut above an eye (which constantly needs to be numbed). Also, there is no paralysis, or possibility of it. But, she is still in the emergency room because the doctors are checking some things, and we haven't heard back from them yet. Unless they find anything else, my grandmother will have to stay at the hospital for at least a week...