Proving that a mind may or may not be a terrible thing to taste since 2004.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Don't Worry, My Ronnie Francis Night Write-Up's Coming...
Sometime. Perhaps before the end of this year. No, just when I finally feel like going through my mess of pictures...
Of course, it would help if I have not gotten the most e-mails I have gotten from visitors to my site in a while. AND, if I wasn't going with my dad to play pool at the Mountaineer Entertainment Center almost every day lately. Yeah, we cannot wait for our new Olhausen pool table to the point that we don't mind paying to play a few games currently. And it's looking like we are going to be doing that for a little while, since we are still waiting on new carpet for what will be the pool room.
So anyhoo, the write-up/whatever about Ronnie night will eventually come...
Well, Day One of my Ron Francis Night pilgrimage went off without a hitch...despite my mother wanting to leave at 11:00 this morning, and we did not get out of the house until 11:45. Other than that, there were no problems...and the day was one of the most beautiful traveling days I have ever experienced.
Tomorrow, I shall be visiting my great aunt, whom I have not seen in quite sometime. She's 94 years old, and is still quite the pistol...I look quite forward to spending an hour or two with her. I also look forward to getting to have lunch at Panera of quite a few restaurant chains I wish would finally come to Bluefield.
If you haven't done so yet, pay a visit to's thread where you can speak of all your fond memories and/or praise for the one and only Ron Francis...
...Ron Francis Night will be upon the Caniac Nation AND the world. And what better way to get as ready/psyched-up as yours truly than checking the following out...
Let the Great Geek-Off Begin As I am typing this, I am printing out what I feel is a good walkthrough for Tales of Symphonia. Once that, all 287 pages of it, is done, I will embark upon what I shall call "The Whole Chimichanga" edition of the said game. And I mean the video game equivalent of the The Old 96er...ALL of the sidequests, collections, what-not. It took me almost 65 hours to beat ToS without doing most of will be downright interesting to see how much longer it takes. If it even does take much noted, this time I will have the benefit of using a walkthrough*, which may or may not cut down on the time.
Longer or shorter play-length, to quote a player in one of those lame-a** MyNHL ads, this is going to be fun. Even if I don't get to finish before I have go off on my great journey next week to attend the Festival of the Eternal Captain. Hmmmmm...I wonder if the Hampton Inn's television sets will let you set up a video game system.
* - For all of you walkthrough purists, I was a good girl as always, and waited to solve the game on my own before even having the gall to look up a walkthrough. So stop looking at me and/or this post like that.
As of 5:30 PM, Eastern Standard Time, yours truly officially beat her first game of Tales of Symphonia. Days-wise, it took me two weeks and one day. Gametime-wise, it took me 65 hours...beating the advertised gameplay time by 15 hours! But, that does not include the side quests of collecting every item (including weapons, armor, various trinkets, etc.) in the game AND all of the recipes you can cook for your battle group(s). That will be taken care of in the next game of ToS I play, which will make for an interesting gametime experiment.
And for those of you who have not played ToS, get your a** out the door and get it now (and a Gamecube if you do not have one)!! This is the BEST game I have ever played on the Gamecube. And yes, that counts Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. Hell, ToS easily cracks my top three most favorite games ever. Which, as of now is...
3. Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
2. Tales of Symphonia
1. Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past
And there is a pretty damn good reason behind my rating ToS so high...not only is the gameplay so freakin' awesome, the plot is beyond freakin' awesome. I think I lost count of all the twists and turns the story contains. Even the more cliched parts will have you thinking and actually caring about the main characters and their goal(s).
The voice acting is neat too...looking at Internet Movie Database's entry for ToS, I found out that some of the voice actors sound awful familiar because they have done voice work for other video games, animes, and/or cartoons. The most "famous" voice of the bunch probably belonging to Lloyd, the lead main character's actor...who plays Robin on Cartoon Network's Teen Titans.
Well, once I starting getting that itch to game again, I'll try my hand at Tales of Phantasia on my PC. If its successor is any indication, I'm quite sure it will kick a** and take names too.
Personally, I think it's appropro that Hartford did it before Carolina/Raleigh...afterall, in numerous articles, interviews, etc.: Ron has noted how he and his NHL career practically grew up in Hartford.
As I've said a lot elsewhere, I *really* wish I could have attended the makes me further cannot wait for January 28th. It also warms my heart to see my most beloved NHL player's traditional number finally get honored as it should have been in Hartford after all this time.
Nobody can sum up the night and overall sentiment better than the writers of the epistles behind the two links.